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Do you remember the game called ‘The Names the same?’ Well that’s what this week’s question is like; it has to do with what we call Famous Freemasons, and also with someone famous who is thought to be a Mason.

The Famous Mason, according to Brother Denslow in his book, ‘10,000 Famous Freemasons,’ was Governor of his state, and then a United States Senator, the one who was thought to be a Mason, but wasn’t, was a man of the same name. He was the head of a country the United States was at one time at war with. I hope you find the research and information interesting.

Here is the question: What was the name which these two men shared?


The answer came from 10,000 Famous Freemasons by William R. Denslow: The books of the 10,000 are hard to come by and very expensive when you find them, but you can get it as an E-book from here is the answer:

Jefferson Davis

The first one listed Jefferson Davis (1808-1889) President of the Confederate States of America. He was not a Mason although his father, Samuel and brother, Joseph E., were members of the Craft.

He was, however, friendly to the fraternity. Following the war this statement was made in a magazine article against Davis:

"Jefferson Davis, a Free and Accepted Mason, headed the great rebellion, and the fact did not even taint his Masonic standing, but did have much to do in receiving his pardon."

In answering this to an inquirer, Davis wrote, in part: "[I] regard the fraternity with respect and have never felt any disapproval of it other than that which pertains to every secret society, viewing Freemasonry from a distance, and judging the tree by its fruits, I have believed it to be in itself good.

The second one listed is Jefferson Davis (1862-1913) He was U.S. Senator and Governor of Arkansas. Born May 6, 1862 in Little River County, Arkansas. A graduate of Vanderbilt University in 1884, he was admitted to bar in that year. He was governor of Arkansas from 1900 to1907 and U.S. Senator from Arkansas from 1907 to 1913. He was a member of Russellville Lodge no. 274 He died January 3, 1913